Considering a Summer Break from Hockey?


The longer one is around the game, they learn the ebbs and flows of a season. After months of practices, games, and hockey tournaments, we are finally entering the summer months, and many are trying to establish themselves for the next season. A lot of players may roll right from the fall into the spring season without any sort of gap and have now been playing a sport 3-5 times a week for almost 8 months.

               As adults, we realize that doing something like that is not always sustainable and may even turn detrimental in the long run. In the current state of the world, and the hyper competitiveness within and surrounding youth sports, people may believe that they cannot afford to take time away as little Sammy won’t be able to keep up with little Johnny if they aren’t doing the same amount of training. We say “Gimme a break”! Many athletic studies show that taking time away from an athlete’s dominate sport helps in development as it gives the body and mind time to rest from something that is so heavily focused on. It also allows the kids to learn a new sport or hobby, which will also help them develop as a better human being as well as an athlete.

               There’s always an option in hockey to be able to jump right in if the players are getting an itch. Our single day pond youth hockey tournaments are a great way for friends to get together for one day and play a bunch of hockey, and then going back to enjoying what summer has in store for them. No one needs practice to hop on the ice for some 3v3 or 4v4, just a lot of energy! If you are looking for a little vacation from the game, (P.S. It’s OK!) but do not want to neglect it all summer, take a look at our website for great options to skate.


Summer Improvements


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