March Sadness

Where did it go? We mean the 2022-2023 Fall and Winter season. Like a flash, it has vanished before our eyes. Many memories and bonds have been forged over the last 6-8 months, and it is all coming to a close. Maybe some of you even decided to end it with us at our Green Ice Classic boys hockey tournament in Michigan or perhaps your ending is with our Detroit AAA Showdown or Hockey Fights Cancer Tourney.

With April right around the corner, and the spring season starts to begin, it is a great time to sit down with your son or daughter to reflect on how they feel about the season coming to an end. Children are, as you know, a very emotional being, and some tend to keep that built up inside. Having talks with your kids about how they feel physically, and emotionally about a long term engagement like a hockey season may help put into perspective what they may truly want for the upcoming “off season”. For some, they may want to push harder, trying to make high level teams that continue the grind of traveling and 4 to 5 game weekends. Others may want to take some time away to try new things. Whatever their preference is, please be there to support it.


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Spring Break