Get Fit Fast

Summer; well that ended fast. Tryouts are here or have just recently happened and everyone is finding their seats for the upcoming season. Many have worked their tails off all summer to try and gain the best position available at their respective clubs. Most of these workouts were to help the individual, and now players must transition their thinking to the team game. People consider hockey to be the greatest team competition in sports because of the mentality of a hockey player, team first, always “we” and never “I”.

Many people like to train with as little people around as possible when trying to achieve maximum gains. Athletes are a different breed. Once you stick a team of athletes in a gym together, competitive juices start flowing. Whether is external pressure such as trying to make sure one is keeping up with other teammates in their statistics, or internal pressure of trying to achieve individual marks, inserting a team lifting aspect helps push everyone just a little bit harder. The quicker team’s gel, especially off the ice, the more a coach can get out of the team. For older kids, much of this is done in a gym. For younger kids, it is about finding creative and fun activities to help players earn each-others trust and help build a rapport amongst one another.

We here at EAS believe that and early season hockey tournament in Michigan is a great way for players to get together as a team and bond over a weekend in a hotel. If you dig far enough into our archives here on the blog, we have discussed different ways to create additional team bonding while on the road at the hotel. The 2022 Veterans Cup is rapidly approaching, make sure that you are registered if you want to compete in one of the countries best early season brackets. For more information be sure to check out our Facebook, Webpage, or here on the blog for upcoming events.


Veterans Cup Champions!!


Early Season Hockey Tournaments